Wild Wanderings
It’s been an eventful Spring full of new beginnings, of wandering…
I find myself in a gorgeous peaceful place, surrounded by nature. It’s a more rugged terrain than I’m used to and weather patterns seem to come and go with the breeze, which is often swift and strong, but I so enjoy the beauty and new-ness of it all! The feel of adventure is my utmost favorite. I’ve had the pleasure of making new friends with kind and interesting people and I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the many unique animals I’m getting to know. Especially Mimi, my neighbor’s kitty cat who has become a pretty good buddy of mine. She often greets me with big meows and gentle purrs, and she even brought me a present the other morning (a mole!) which I take as a high compliment!
Even with the company of lovely people, pretty nature, and cute animals, adjusting to a new enverinment takes some getting used to and it can be a while before you get back into the swing of things. Creating the children’s book illustrations has gone a little slower than I hoped, BUT I am now almost completely done! It feels wonderful and I’m very excited to see what happens with the project.
So far, this year has been full of change so it’s been pivotal in my understanding of myself and in my practicing self-care. I find it important to ground myself when there are shifts in my life circumstances or I am ‘wandering’ more than usual. Here are three things I can recommend in times like these:
Eat well: First, cook your own food as often as you can. Until recently, I would not have considered myself a cook, but I’ve come to realize cooking is fun! Plus, it’s more cost effective and healthier than eating out! It’s not hard to do and the more you cook, the better you get! Ingredients are key, so if you can, try and buy organic or from your local farmer’s market, eat very minimal sugar, limit caffeine and alocohol, and basically NO highly processed foods. Your diet may seem like it’s a secondary consideration in your life, but I’ve realized that what you eat is definitely what you are, so making sure that you consume high quality foods is actually very important. I heard an interview with a doctor recently who referred to many of the “foods” offered at stores and restaurants to us as “substances” and I totally agree. When you start honoring your body with a nutritious and thoughtful diet, you will see results physically and mentally! Bonus Tip Cook with somebody special (partner, friend, family, kiddos) and it will be even more beneficial to your health + spirit!
Exercise: Moving your body is FUN and important. With access to the internet, there are so many instructors who cater to all sorts of fitness routines using Pilates, yoga, dancing and so much more. You can easily find exercises to follow along with at home that give you the benefits of working out without having to go to a gym or park if you’d rather do it in privacy. Or find a gym or studio that offers classes in something you’re interested in! If you try it and don’t like it, oh well, but if you do, you’ll have something new in your life to enjoy. And there’s always taking a walk/jog/run/hike/swim outdoors that can literally reset your system. Get out into nature and listen to the sounds, smell the “roses,” people watch, whatever you like.. just figure out a way to “exercise” that makes YOU happy and go do it on the regular!
Sleep: Baby, you’ve GOT to get your sleep. Everyone has a different amount of zzz’s that they need to feel rested, but if you figure out what works for you, try try try to get the amount that makes you feel alive. You can create a sleep oasis with soft sheets and blankets, comfy pillows, fans, noise machines, etc. I love having a fan on and a clean silk pillowcase. I also read a while before bed which helps to calm my mind and get me into a relaxed sleepy state. If your partner likes to cuddle and you don’t (or vice versa), meet in the middle by cuddling for a while before bedtime and then you can have a little space and always cuddle again in the morning! Sleep alone? Well, take up the whole bed if you want to! I recommend sleeping on your back or side, but to each their own. The most important thing is that you wake up rested and energized for the day.
Bonus Stay creative! Always have a creative passion project going. It doesn’t have to be as intense as a side hustle or be much at all. It could be as simple as keeping a journal. Keeping a gratitude journal where you write things you are grateful for regularly can really make a difference in your understanding of what you have in your life to be grateful for, which I hope is a lot.
ALSO if you happen to fall off of track because whatever season you are in is truly just too much for you or too hectic… because that happens! Don’t be hard on yourself. Be encouraging. Realize, you are human. You will have shortcomings and stumble sometimes. But guess what, you can get back up and get back at it! Just be kind to yourself. Love yourself ❤️And continue to wander and wonder at this marvelous life.
The sun is setting, the birds are chirping their evening songs, and there are large fluffy clouds in the distance. The green grass looks especially vibrant and I am feeling grateful…
Until next time, thank you for stopping by 🖤