My Process

I like to draw the image first in pencil and make a lot of marks until at least the majority of the important marks are there. I rarely erase.

Sometimes I work from an image but often I just draw what comes to my mind.

If I wish to continue the work as a drawing only, I will typically just draw over that in ink. I might paint or marker over it then.

If I want a clean finished painting, I will take the original drawing and use that as a template to redraw it or even trace it in very light pencil or impression onto the paper or canvas I wish to complete the final product on. Then I paint!

I like to work rather quickly and don’t mind if things aren’t ‘perfect.’ I work with it as I go and adjust. I use all different size brushes and the water amount just depends on what kind of finish I’m looking for.

Perfection is not what I’m aiming for. I am interested in getting out what I’m feeling in that moment by bringing what I’m visualizing at that time to life through my artwork.